Using honey to treat wounds infected with MRSA
Please download the PDF file to read the full article.
The potential for using honey to treat wounds infected with MRSA and VRE (Allen, K. L.; Hutchinson, G.; Molan, P.C.)
A Trusted Mark of Quality - A Guarantee of Authenticity & Purity
UMF stands for "Unique Manuka Factor" and is the only manuka honey grading system that is licensed and audited to verify the honey is true-to-label.
I ordered some honey from SummerGlow based on their website. This is the best honey I’ve ever had and will be ordering more. I live in the USA and would gladly pay the extra shipping for their products. Thank you SummerGlow for sharing your products. Take care and God Bless.
I'm always happy when an order from this apiary arrives. Thank you for maintaining excellent standards of manuka honey
This is an excellent honey. I absolutely love the taste and enjoy it on my oatmeal and toast. It was a fantastic purchase.
I trust SummerGlow and know there won’t be any non honey ingredients like a lot of supermarket honey that add sugar and syrups. I order my honey from New Zealand because I 100% trust the product.
I have ordered their Manuka honey and Manuka products for many years also.
Thank you.
Is reach in vitamins and give to the whole family a great boost .
Great product! Service is also very good!